6 Week(s)Labrador RetrieverMaleChocolate Labrador Retriever Puppies
3 males and 3 females available.
We are located in Charlotte Hall, MD
These cuties will be available for their
forever home on/after August 11, 2018
Puppies incude:
-AKC registration availability
-health guarantee
- vet checked
-dew claws removed
- dewormed @2,4,6,8 weeks of age
-first shots
*For more information or If you are interested in coming to meet these cuties please email me at [email protected]Charlotte Hall20622
3 Month(s)HimalayanMalePlayful and loving red/flame lynx point kitten for sale. He purrs whenever he is held. He has all of his shots and is in good health. His parents are show cats, and he is being sold as a pet, not for breeding. He is litter registered in CFA and TICAGrand Prairie75052
6 Month(s)PoodleMaledoodle is 6 months old and he is loving and very playful needs alot of attention doesnt like to be left alone likes to go outside he gets along with other dogs and cats i am looking for someone who can give him the care and love he needs and a loving home someone who maybe at home and can take the time to train him and give him the attention that he needs i am asking for 250.00 dollars to asure he gets a loving home if you would like to see pictures please email me with a phone number and i will send it threw my phone please only seriouse people please dont txt me without a name or phone number i will not answer thank you staten island ny10310
3 Week(s)Labrador RetrieverMaleWe have 5 AKC registered black lab puppies, 2 females and 3 males. Paperwork included, dewclaws removed, and first round of shots. Born 7/5/2018 and will be ready to go home 8/30/2018. Asking $750.Southfield48033
7 Year(s)Mixed BreedsFemaleGigi is a sweet dog who loves to nap and play and run outside. We have had her for 6 years and love her dearly so there will be a $50 rehoming fee. She has always been good with kids but for some reason her and my son can not get along. We need to find her a new home before something terrible happens. She is picky about other dogs so that’s a gamble. She comes with a couple of toys, food, food and water bowls, a harness and a leash. Buford30519