5 Week(s)Golden RetrieverFemaleSuper cute Golden doodles for sale. 5 females and 2 males. All black and some have white paws or white on their chest. Vaccinations will be given next week. Help our babies find their forever home. Kokomo 46902
8 Month(s)Maine CoonI have 2 8 month old purebred Maine coon kittens. 1 male/1female. they are fixed, have all their shots and are socialized with 6 kids, 1 dog and other cats. Come with a 1 year genetic health guarantee. Negative for felv/fiv, pkd, and hcm. Asking $425 for each cat. They do not need to go together. call or text 443-812-2464 i also have a litter of 2 week old reds if interested in younger kittens. Can send pics upon request.columbia21045
12 Week(s)PomeranianFemaleWe have male and female Teacup Pomeranian puppies available. They are very beautiful, 12 weeks old, will be 4lbs full grown. The puppies are friendly and like to be with children and other dogs. They are vaccinated, vet checked, wormed and I have all vet records. They have taken their shots and now ready for a new home.They will be coming alongside all their paperwork. You can call/text +1(681)257-0723 for more infosChicago 49501
13 Week(s)PomeranianMaleWe have male and female Teacup Pomeranian puppies available. They are very beautiful, 12 weeks old, will be 4lbs full grown. The puppies are friendly and like to be with children and other dogs. They are vaccinated, vet checked, wormed and I have all vet records. They have taken their shots and now ready for a new home.They will be coming alongside all their paperwork. You can call/text +1(681)257-0723 for more infosGrand Rapid49501
9 Day(s)German ShepherdMaleHi everyone!! I need everyone’s help in sharing this post please. I don’t want any judging at all. If anyone knows me they know I’ve tried everything possible before having to post this. I am needing to find a new home for my boys Ronin aka German Shepherd and Joker aka Belgium Malinois. I’m willing to travel. I’ve contacted every rescue here in the Bay Area, non kill shelter, foster homes and there are just to many dogs in foster homes and shelters and now with the fires there are even more that have no room. I’ve advertised on several rescue websites as well. I live in San Leandro, CA. Please call me or text me for any questions and questions I will have for you too. The rescue places are telling me I will have a lot more success by posting on social media. Due to financial reasons I’m moving and unfortunately there is either a weight restriction or breed restriction to where I am not able to take them with me. It wouldn’t be fare to them to be cooped up in a place with no yard like they are use to having. These two kind loving boys are brothers from another mother. They get along with kids and female dogs and puppies. It’s best for them to not be around males dogs who can most of the time be the alpha and boys being around boys can cause chaos. Both are all up to date on shots, chipped and are both 8 years old. They will need a backyard where they can play and have to be with each other. I can’t separate them unless the Shepherd can be with another dog that’s female or a puppy and a sweetheart is the only way to separate them. He needs a buddy. Ronin like most Shepherds as they get older has lupus on his nose. It’s a skin pigment chafed from black to pink and to a crusty stuff on his nose. Other then that the boys are like puppies and love life. I have photos of them too. If you or know someone who is interested please send them my way. My number is 650-660-8002. Please text first in case I don’t have this person of interest number and I know who’s contactingSan Leandro94579
7 Day(s)Mixed BreedsMaleApprox 7 yrs old, intact male, likes cats but not other dogs, very friendly but better suited to older children or adults, rehoming due to elderly owners' failing healthPlainville47568
1 Day(s)French BulldogMaleWe are hoping to find the right home for our wonderful, sweet French Bulldog. We are open to meeting people but would prefer to find someone near the Madison, WI area that would be open to staying in touch and even possibly meeting at a dog park once a week or something so that we could see him occasionally. We love him so much but realize that he needs a little more attention and play time than we are able to give him at this time. We just want to do what is best for him. He is a 1 year old male.
He is neutered, housebroken, up to date on all his shots and absolutely loves to snuggle. Somewhat flexible on price for the right home and terms.McFarland53558
6 Week(s)MastiffFemale6 week old English Mastiff / German Shepherd puppies are ready for their forever homes.
They are utd on shots & deworming.
Only girls left.
Born June 20thAlbany97321
5 Week(s)PersianCfa Persian kittens for sale born on the Fourth of July looking for forever homes .please contact 770-539-4774 or 404-434-3755 ask for christina or Jon .
1 Year(s)Dogs, BulldogMaleSweet one year old large neutered male needs a good home with a yard or plenty of running/play space. I think he'd love a companion dog. Cider is great in the car, on a leash, in the house, house broken, microchip, been on heart worm prevention and well taken care of. He loves belly or chest scratches and going to the dog park to play with friends. I have a car seat cover, his bed, and favorite toys of course that he will bring with him. Cider can be high energy at times but very smart and eager to learn. Rehome fee of $40 please I need to know someone is serious about loving him and keeping him ~ Thank YOU!Panama City32401
4 Week(s)Belgian MalinoisBorn July 4th puppies will be ready August 10th with 1st 5in1 vaccine and deworm parents on property call 951 732 4845Wildomar 92595