7 Week(s)DogsBeautiful puppies ready for their new homes May 10th. Mom is an AKC German Shepherd, dad is an AKC Bernese Mountain Dog. Dew claws have been removed and they will have their first set of shots. Greensburg 15601
8 Week(s)German ShepherdFemaleWe have 3 females available.DOB 3/7/2019. The parents are AKC registered but I didn't register this litter. Pups have had 1st and 2nd puppy shots, dewormed every 2 weeks, crate training started, raised inside and handled daily. Pups are 500.00. We are in middle TN but I am going to FL the end of May and can meet up.Waynesboro 38485
5 Month(s)Boston TerrierMaleFrank is a 5-month old pure breed Boston Terrier (Born December 3, 2018) and has CKC paperwork from the breeder that can be completed for registration. He is doggy door house trained, very loving, and playful. We are selling Frank because he needs and deserves a family that is home with him more and can spend more time with him.Calvert City42029
DogsI have 6 absolutely stunning French puppies and they have been Vet checked,wormed, and had 1st shots. I have 4 girls and 2 boys looking for their new homes for more information,you can reach us via text to (860) 419-0601.
7 Week(s)Australian ShepherdWe have a litter of Mini Aussies that will be ready to go on May 4th!
Parents are AKC and ASDR registered.
Pups have had tails docked and declaws removed. They are current on vaccinations and deworming.
2 females (blue merle & red merle both have blue eyes)
2 males (black tri w/ blue & brown eye, red merle w/ blue & green eye)
7 Week(s)SamoyedMale7 week old unregistered home raised male Samoyed pups,.on California North coast but possible delivery to Portland in May, Seattle in June,perhaps bay area. Microchip and first shot and worming included.Eureka 95501
6 Week(s)BengalMaleWe have some phenomenal Bengal kittens available! All kittens go home at 12 weeks old fully vaccinated and dewormed. Kittens ready to go end of May and in July! Super sweet and beautiful bengal babies. Raised in home and underfoot. Raised with dogs. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY! We do have other available and priced different. Austin78727
3 Year(s)Golden RetrieverMaleBeautiful AKC Registered -open to breed. Lucas is sweet natured, high energy, and quick to learn. He’s got an impressive pedigree. Needs a large, fenced yard. To approved home only.Yelm98597
6 Week(s)Bull TerrierFemale6 weeks old 6 male 4 female. Variety of Brindles Brown Tans and Black
Loyal and loving family dogs
Well maintained
Fed quality puppy meal. 150 each 8434785639 ask for DanielleCharleston29406
4 Month(s)German ShepherdFemaleBorn : January 2 2019
Vaccines and worming are up to date
Parents are health tested
Location : Columbus,Ohio
Working Line Columbus43223
Shetland SheepdogGCH sired, 1male, 1female, OFA, DNA tested, Vet ckd, current vaccinations, normal eyed, tri colored and bi-black. 4mo. Old DOB:12/9/18Rock Creek, Ohio44084
DachshundFemaleI have two Black and Tan Dachshund puppy's for sale one boy and one girl. Mam is a family pet. Dad is KC registered Mam is not, both parents are pra cleared tho puppy's won't be. Puppy's have been handled daily and drink and eating indepentaly
Puppy's will have first injection, micro chipped, fleas and wormed to date. These puppy's are for loving homes only. Please contact me for more details.
Please contact me at [email protected]