7 Day(s)PoodlePuppies born July 4th 2019. Males and females.
Black, Apricot and Silver.
Reserve your puppy today, Please call for more information. Grants Pass97526
I have 5 American Bulldog mix puppies, 3 girls and 2 boys.
They're 12 weeks old and ready to go now.
They have been de-wormed and had their 1 set of shots.
Working on the housebreaking.
Mom is a medium sized mixed breed, looks like a Basenji.
Dad is an American Bulldog, and I have both parents.
These are INSIDE, family dogs, not to be kept outside.
$ 250 for the 2 boys each, and $ 150 for Girl 1 and Girl 2 each, and $ 100 for Girl 3.Paducah42001
8 Week(s)Shih TzuBorn on mother's day and ready to go to their forever homes!
2 black males and 1 black female, 1 white and black and 1 brown/tan. Text or call 830-216-1117.Floresville78114
4 Month(s)MalteseMaleCute and cuddly Maltese puppy waiting to go to a good home. has shots and deworming. A little over 3 months. Please call Purita at 619-484-9823 for more info. Or call 1-760-623-6727Lemon Grove91945
4 Month(s)MalteseMaleCute and cuddly Maltese puppy waiting to go to a good home. has shots and deworming. A little over 3 months. Please call Purita at 619-484-9823 for more info.Lemon Grove91945
4 Year(s)Labrador RetrieverMale"Willy"
Black Labrador/mix, ~4-5 years old, 65 lbs, all vaccinations updated, heartworm negative
Willy is a rescue dog who had a rough start in life and needs a special home. He is very protective of his family and home and has shown aggression before. Not good with small children.
Willy's favorite game is tug of war and enjoys shredding socks. Lexington24450
18 Day(s)MunchkinFemaleThis mother munchkin is proven unaltered. She will be available in 3 weeks due to litter of kittens. She is house trained and loves to go outside also. Athena97813
9 Month(s)DachshundMaleWe currently have 1 mini male dachshund smooth coat available, utd on shots and crate, leash and house trained, loves children and other pets.GRASONVILLE21638
8 Week(s)ChihuahuaMalePurebred White/Tan Chihuahua Puppies looking for loving home(s). They were born on May 9th, 2019. Long & Short Haired. Very Loving & Playful. Mother is Short Haired & Father is Long Haired. They do not have their shots yet. Cash only.
If Interested, Please call: 813-812-9576
Ask For Carlotta Or JL.Tampa33615
4 Week(s)Other BreedsMaleI have 4 male goldendoodles left. They come wormed, first set of shots, vet clearance and mom and dad AKC papersMarseilles 61341
2 Day(s)Mixed BreedsMaleDuke is a two year old mixed dog (pit bull, American bull dog, lab mix). He does great with our one year old son climbing and crawling all over him. He is very chill and low-maintenance. He is up to date in his shots. He is not neutered yet. We took him to All Pets in Middleton for vet visits. He is potty trained. Madison 53719
5 Week(s)SphynxFemaleReady July 22nd! 4 kittens left! 1 cream male, 1 tan and cream male, 1 black tortie female, 1 seal point female! All carry the odd eye gene! Dad is a beautiful best in show winner all black Sphynx and the mother is a beautiful rare lavender with an amazing heart! She’s had 4 echocardiograms in preparation of her first litter. This is her 2nd litter now and she’s made the most beautiful Sphynx babies! Call or text for more information! Logan84321