8 Week(s)PoodleFemale8 weeks old female poodle, vet checked and got first shot. According to poodle weight chart, the estimated adult weight is 10~12 lb.
She's very smart, doing well on crate and potty training. Eating solid puppy food, loving play ball with kids and also can be a lap dog.
Price includes all the things you need for a new puppy (crate, bed, bowl, leash, food, shampoo, pee pad) that cost more than $200 Richmond HillL4E 3J1
5 Week(s)Yorkshire TerrierFemaleYorkie/Shitzu mix puppy for sale. Last female. Shes a real love bug. Loves to cuddle and sit on your lap. She has a really sweet personality.She will be 5 to 7 pounds. She will stay small. Raised in my home with kids.$550. She will be ready week of Aug. 12. She will be dewormed, have her first puppy shot, and sent home with a bag of Fromm Puppy Foodas i feed my dogs a premium food. Located in Muskego 20 min southwest of Milwaukee WI.
Please PM me if interested. ThanksMuskego53150
8 Week(s)Miniature SchnauzerMaleHow cute are these guys? There are 3 left. Which one will become part of your family? Full AKC registration. They were born May 24th and are ready for their forever homes now. The mom is about 14 lbs, and the dad is about 13 lbs. Tails and dewclaws have been done, and they got their first shots at 6 weeks. These cutie pies have been raised around other dogs and children. Great personalities!
Schnauzers are great family dogs. They are loyal and love to play, as well as just hang out with you. Some schnauzers can be yappy, but they will be quiet dogs if they are trained properly. The mother does not bark, so the puppies haven't been taught to bark. Schnauzers are also hypoallergenic so they won't trigger allergies. They also don't shed.
Your new puppy will go home with :
AKC registration papers
A bag of food so you can transition them to your food of choice
A piece of fabric that smells like mom to help the transition.
Contact us today to come see your new fur baby! We are in south Lehi just 5 minutes from the Pioneer Crossing exit.
7 Day(s)Siberian HuskyMaleASAP: 7yr old male AKC registered Siberian husky free to good home!(papers included) please call/text 814-289-3782Somerset15501
4 Month(s)French BulldogFemaleAkc Female French Bulldog
4 months old
Completed all vaccinations
Great with dog and loves kids.Elk Grove 95758
11 Month(s)American Staffordshire TerrierMale11 month old male Pitt bull. He is very sweet and very hyper. He is good with other dogs big or small. I am taking care of my dad and he is just to hyper. There will by a 100 dollar rehoming fee to ensure he goes to good home Paduxah42003
Other BreedsLooking to find suitable homes for our two Thai Ridgeback dogs. We have two of them, a male who is 8 months and a female who is 6 months. Male is solid black and female is stunning red. These are working class dogs who will need an active family and continued training. Best suited for a home with no other little dogs. Both do great with kids, very affectionate and loving. They will bond to one individual but will have loyalty for all their family.Great protections dogs. These dogs are very special to us so please serious inquires only Both dogs would excel at show and working type activities, search and rescue or ??? Please message for any further details. We are asking $1500 each, they are AKC register-able. Foreign documents in hand. Salem97304
8 Week(s)Labrador RetrieverMaleAKC Yellow Lab Puppies ready for their forever homes. 1st shots, vet check, wormed and papers. Call (208) 659-4201ATHOL83801
8 Week(s)Great DaneFemaleAKC registered Great Dane Puppies they are eight weeks old. Have had shots and been dewormed. One blue female one black male and three black females. Very big healthy and playful. Located in Marshall Missouri $600
1-660-202-0430 or 1-660-202-2602 Marshall 65340
Other BreedsFemaleHello. Golden doodle puppies available 8/26 4 girls a 3 boys to pick from. A 500 dollar deposit required for Raleigh north carolina buyers. Will deliver. Michigan buyers is where they reside. Please contact for information. Thanks for your time.Manitou beach 49253
15 Week(s)Other BreedsMaleLabradoodle F1. Has had shots and records. (6 zero 1) two 7 zero-six six 11. He’s a great dog! He’s playful, energetic and is sweet as pie!Hattiesburg 39042
7 Month(s)Mixed BreedsMale7 mo. Dalmatian mix neutered male. House trained and knows some commands. Very friendly. Good with people other dogs, cats and young children. He has been around 3 yr old children 2 cats and a German Shepherd. Walks well on leash. Is currently on flea and heartworm medicine.33570
30 Day(s)Yorkshire TerrierFemaleI have two sweet Lap puppys left who will be 5 to 6 pounds. One is an adorable girl who is a very Lt. Brown with white chest and chin and her handsome brother who is Black with Apricot. They will have there first shot(1 of 3) & dewormed plus puppy food will be included. The rest of there siblings are sold.$550. They will be ready to go to there
"forever home" around the week of Aug. 12. Located in Muskego WI just 20 min southwest of Milwaukee WI 7 miles south of I-43 &
Hwy 164. Seriously interested people Please PM me. ThanksMuskego 53150