10 Week(s)Labrador RetrieverFemaleWe have 2 males and 1 female full blooded black lab puppies available. They are 10 weeks old. They have had puppy shot at 6 weeks and wormed every 2 weeks. They are farm raised with other animals and have been cuddled daily. They rode in a parade yesterday and are super sweet. They love the water. Memphis Mo63555
14 Week(s)Bernese Mountain DogFemaleVery friendly, sweet personality 4 months old Bernedoodle - Loves people and other dogs - She just wants to seat in your lap and play all day. We love her but can't keep her anymore with our busy schedule. She has rabies shot and first round of distemper/parvo. Thank you! Murfreesboro37128
8 Week(s)American ShorthairFemaleWe’re fostering this sweet baby kitty and her forever home fell through. She’s one of the most loving kittens I’ve dealt with and I’ve had a lot of cats. She’s had her first round of shots, she’s litter and scratching post trained and is on solid food. We have three adult cats, otherwise we would definitely keep her.Riverside 92507
70 Day(s)DogsFemaleAustrailian Shepherd Puppies. 2Females left. 10 weeks. Have 1st TWO Shots !! Dewormed. Rehoming is four hundred twenty five dollars. Perryopolis 15473
10 Week(s)French BulldogSolid Blue Beautiful litter of French bulldogs,
4 girls 3 boys all available Now
2 x Blue girls
2 x Blue girls
1 x Blue boy
1 x Blue boy
1 x Blue boy
Prices from $700, $250 deposit will secure any pup,
All will be kc registered,
Fully health checked,
Micro chipped
4 weeks free insurance
Puppy packs,shipping is available to all state in CA Please do contact for more infors & PICTURES & VIDEO
Text & Call Us At 501 8193740.Los Angeles90011
10 Week(s)Yorkshire TerrierFemaleMeet Summer, named after her outstanding personality. She's always happy to play or cuddle. Outstanding thick coat... unique in color, Chocolate AKC Yorkie. Both parents on site: mom (4.5 lbs) and dad 4 (lbs). Both are AKC and come from healthy lines. Pup will come with contract and care pkg. Call or text if interested 610-400-8007Los Angeles90026
7 Week(s)PoodleMaleHello, I currently have 2 females and 4 males available. Born on the 4th of July and are ready for their homes! These pups have their tails docked, dewclaws removed, 1st set of shots, and dewormed. They have been socialized around children, adults, and other dogs. They are hypoallergenic and don’t shed at all! These pups will be the bigger of the poodles, dad weighs at 65 and mom weighs at 55. Mom and dad are AKC, however these pups are not registered. Males are $800 OBO and females are $1,000 OBO. If you want anymore information about these pups please call. 2087496498Twin Falls83301
Rottweiler$1200 AKC Rottweilers for sale. 6 females and 4 males
$500 nonrefundable deposit
Ready for pickup on September 27th.
Included: AKC PACKET
First rounds of shots
And de-wormer.
Docked tails.
One of most loyalists breeds of dogs out there. They will be a life long companion. Great with kids and other animals. Perfect home protection as well.
28 Day(s)Labrador Retrievervet checked, parents on site, 1st shots, dewormed, akc puppy packet, open registration, born 7/25/19, can join your family after 9/5/19
black males, yellow females, chocolate males and females, mom is chocolate, dad is yellowontario91762
7 Month(s)Shih TzuMaleVery playful and lovable Shihpoo puppy looking for a furever home. Lots of energy. Loves to walk and play tug of war. Crate trained at night and when left alone. Up to date on all vaccines and heart worm prevention. Nuetered. Maryland Heights 63043
10 Week(s)BengalFemaleI have 4 purebred beautiful baby Bengal kittens, there is 1 Brown spotted girl, 2 Brown spotted boys and 1 silver boy. They are 10 weeks old and ready to find there forever homes. They will have there first set of shots and de-worming, and will also come with there purebred paperwork and pedigree lines from Tica and a full health guarantee. We are looking for a good families preferably someone with knowledge or experience in the Bengal breed as they are very different from other breeds. Please take a look at my Facebook page for more information at www.facebook.com/heartfeltbengals. We are asking $900 or best offer for there adoption fee, If you have any questions please text or call Kimberly at 916-308-0396sacramento95673