5 Week(s)CollieMaleI have a beautiful purebred border collie pup. He will be microchiped, wormed and vaccinated. Both his parents are brown purebred border collies. Please contact me for further details 0437211993.
Breeders number : BIN0006898306856Calliope4680
3 Day(s)German ShepherdFemaleSpayed German Shepherd about 3 yrs old looking to rehome for $50. She is not great with other small pets or cats because she chases them. We are rehoming her because we have not been able to give her the attention she deserves. Must have a fence so she can run.WINSTON SALEM27105
9 Day(s)Yorkshire TerrierMaleYorkie puppies born Jan.23. We have 2 boy yorkies. They are looking for their forever home (but will NOT be released to new owners between 8 to 12 weeks) in late March/April. Their mom and dad are on premises. Mom is 4lb and Dad is 5lb. Both parents are pure-breed Yorkies and are registered. These little boys are being spoiled as we are pet lovers. We are looking for a family that will love them just as we are loving and caring for them as they grow.
These little boys will come with their Health Certs, 1st Puppy shots, food & toys! They will make a very good family addition and will fill your family with moments of joy and happiness. To all pets lovers interested contact us for more details, additional pictures upon request.
PM me or Text message 786-317-8519 Lakeland33812
11 Week(s)RagaMuffinFemaleRegistered sweet, lovable and super playful ragamuffin kitten available. She is up to date on shots & deworming. She was Vet checked and cleared for adoption. If interested, please contact meManahawkin08050
5 Month(s)American Staffordshire TerrierFemaleShe's a very sweet dog just don't have the time for her...I started a new job and I'm working too many hours...she loves kids and other dogs...she loves to cuddle...but she will need to be put in a kennel at night bc she is a puppy and like most puppies...she chews when she's not supervisedWichita67217
1.8 Year(s)SpanielMaleVery loveable and well trained; in house kept, potty and kennel trained.
All shots up to date as of January 25th, 2020. He is neutered.
His birthdate is May 31, 2018. Virginia Beach23464
12 Week(s)Pembroke Welsh CorgiFemaleHeart warming, adorable and lovable puppies These have been a ray of sunshine for our family. My three year old daughter has loved every second in their company, and can be found most days in the middle of them, playing, hugging, and laughing with them. The relationship they have is amazing to see. Therefore they are VERY wel socialised puppies.The mother will be here to greet you, and she has been such a faithful pet since we had her as a puppy some years ago. She has been awesome with our daughter, staying by her pram wherever we go.The puppies have had their first spin in the car which went well. They were vet checked all over, and received their first vaccinations. Their microchipeed flead and wormed and ready to go.
Willing to ship separately.Text us for more details..(501) 819-3807)Philadelphia19140
82 Day(s)Other BreedsMaleMale Sheepadoodle. Super sweet guy. Follows us everywhere. We can't keep him. We purchased him and our two pups from a licensed breeder. The third pup was for a friend but they backed out. 3 is just too many for us. We picked him up three days ago.
Super social and snuggly and we are hopeful we can find him a loving family soon.
Doing well with potty training. He is the smartest pup of our three and learns quickly.
His parents are terrific also. Very social and sweet. All around great dogs. That's why we purchased our pups. We can provide all health records and purchase documentation. The breeder is very helpful and communicative. These dogs usually range at the $1k-$3k. We are on the low end of this due to our situation. Please let us know if you have any questions. We are open to offers. He will be standard sized 50-80 lbs.Baraboo53913
French BulldogFemale4 female's and 1 male available. Chocolate brindles and solid chocolates Frenchies. 8 weeks old a
AKC registered located in California92860
10 Week(s)Yorkshire TerrierFemaleBest Purebred Yorkie puppies available, Vet checked, AKC registered and will be coming. Alongside all health papers.shipping and home delivery Available.text us at (740)231-5366 visit our website at https://Alimapuppyfarm.comdallas75201
8 Week(s)Golden RetrieverFemaleF2b Goldendoodle puppies available for sale. 4 females and 3 males currently available. Both parents are CKC registered and have passed their hips, elbows, and thyroid testing. Please contact us if you are interested or have any further questions.
Miniature SchnauzerFemaleMiniature schnauzer female puppies. DOB 11/19/19. Will come with CKC papers for registration. Will be vet checked, dewormed and vaccinated. Tails docked and dew claws removed. Location Southeast Ohio. Marietta45750