5 Month(s)German ShepherdFemaleLila,
5 month old wolf shepherd mix. up to date shot records. microchipped. knows all basic commands. potty trained and has received obedience training.
She loves our toddler, other dog and cat. She is a great family petsan marcos92069
16 Day(s)Labrador RetrieverMaleAmbassador Labradors has a new litter of AKC lab puppies with the rare white coats. Visit my Facebook page Ambassador Labradors for pictures and videos of this litter. These puppies are raised on 40 acres in state of the art kennels with AC and heat. They are kept in pristine conditions. They will be ready for their new home July 4th weekend. Their dew claws are removed and they will have 4 vet visits will all dewormings and 1st shots. I have 1 slot left for one of these puppies. It is a male puppy. Contact me if you would like to put down a $500 deposit on this puppy. These are English Labs. Mother is 71 lbs and Father is 85 lbs. Both are yellow Labs with the rare white coat.Camden29020
5 Month(s)Yorkshire TerrierMaleBeautiful Yorkshire Terrier puppy, champion line, blk and tan currently, inserted microchip, all vet records, 5 months old, is fully up with all shots (no need for any shots until one year old). Looking for a great family to raise him, as he loves people!Taylors29687
5 Week(s)German ShepherdFemaleI have adorable White German Shepherd puppies that will be available around May 25th. They have been vet checked and will receive one set of shots and 2 dewormings. The puppies have many champions in there bloodline. In fact, they have Rin Tin Tin in their bloodlines. They come with AKC limited registration. The price is $800. Call 334-355-3457 for more information about the puppies. Serious inquiries only, please. I will not respond to text messages because of numerous scams.
do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offersEufaula36027
6 Week(s)Belgian MalinoisFemaleBeautiful 6 week old Belgian Malinois Pups! 3 Males, 1 Female. Both Dam and Sire are AKC Champions, with a very strong Championship pedigree. Vet. Checked, wormed, and First Vaccines. The Dam and Sire both were raised here, work on our small farm, and are wonderful family dogs. Edgewater21037
9 Week(s)DogsWelcome to Frenchies Puppies Home, here we provide perfect healthy frenchies puppies, socialized and raised with other pets and kids. For more, please contact for further information!! Thank You!!. Visit our page for more about us and our puppies https://frenchies-puppy-home.yolasite.com/Bakersfield, CA
3 Month(s)Golden RetrieverFemaleRehome English Cream Goldendoodle Puppies. Hypoallergenic and they have a medium wavy/curly coat. They are cream to white. Males and Females are available. $400 Deposit. Christoval Phone numbers Please call 541 729 nine one 79 or 541 729 six 78 six for more information and pictures visit:
Australian ShepherdFemaleAustralian Shepherd Puppies For Sale....Male and female puppies. They come with up to date about vaccines and vet checked. They are well socialized puppies and loves to play with children and other pets. If you are interested in contacting us with the name of the breed directly EMAIL/TEXT (markgarvin64 mail com)Dallas75247