1 Year(s)Mixed BreedsFemaleI have two Rottweiler/ Bulldog mix that I have to rehome. My landlord is selling the house I rent and I cannot take them. They are shy at first but very sweet. They were born on 2/10/19. Up to date on shots and fixed. Crate and potty trained. They love to cuddle and get along with other dogs. Colton92324
2 Year(s)PugMaleCooper is a 2 year old Puggle, we have recently moved and started new jobs. We do not have the time that he needs and deserves. He comes from a single dog home He is very loving, has a lot of energy but loves to snuggle as well. He is a family dog and loves the babies and his fur cousins at his aunties house. He needs to go to a loving household that has time to spend with him.Pelican rapids56572
3 Day(s)DogsFemaleTaking reservations for ACA eligible Cavanese puppies (born Oct. 1st) to go home just in time for Christmas! They have gorgeous coloring with enchanting little faces. These adorable little girls (4) and boy (1) have been loved and doted on since birth and socialized with children and adults. Dad is a very sweet and lovable Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named Arthur weighing 12 lbs. Mom is a gorgeous and lovable little Havanese named Sophie weighing 8 lbs. Each of our babies will join their forever home already vet checked, up to date on vaccines, dewormer, microchipped, with optional spayed/neutered and a welcome home box. Each pup is $1800 minus a $400 non-refundable deposit that is required to reserve one of them. Please call/message if interested in adding a little sweetheart to your family! Madison44057
7 Week(s)Other BreedsMalePatches is an F2 Pomsky which means both of his parents are pomskies. Half Pomeranian and Half Husky. Patches is charting to be 13-18lbs full grown.
He has a gorgeous hair coat, perfect husky markings and 2 true blue eyes. He is very playful and full of puppy kisses! He was born on Aug 8, 2020 and will be able to go to his
forever home on October 3. Our pomskies are current on vaccinations, fully vet checked and
come with a 1 Year Health Guarantee. We are currently accepting a deposit to reserve the puppy of your choice with the remaining balance due at
time of pickup or the day before shipping.Manteca95336
7 Week(s)Other BreedsMaleZorro is an F2 Pomsky which means both of his
parents are pomskies. He has a gorgeous haircoat,
perfect husky markings and 2 true blue eyes. He
is very playful and full of puppy kisses! He was
born on Aug 8, 2020 and will be able to go to his
forever home on October 3. Our pomskies are
current on vaccinations, fully vet checked and
come with a 1 Year Health Guarantee. We are
currently accepting a deposit to reserve the puppy
of your choice with the remaining balance due at
time of pickup or the day before shippingManteca95336
1 Year(s)ChihuahuaMale1 year old. Male unneutered chihuahua puppy mix. He is very sweet and playful we love him just not home enough to give him attention needed.Madisonville37354
9 Week(s)Australian ShepherdFemaleI have two 9 week old puppies a girl and a boy they have all there first shots and are ready to go home. I have two 7 week olg girls that are dewormed and will be able to go home very soon.Scappoose97056
3 Year(s)MastiffFemaleFemale Black Brindle Cane Corso, house trained, kennel trained, obedience trained, AKC & ICC registered, Microchipped, on Heartworm preventative, UTD on all shots, born in September 2017. She will need to be the only dog and no children, she loves to swim and romp around with her people. Any questions please free to email. She will need room to roam but is a inside dog. She loves to play but also knows when to settle down if you let her know. She weighs approx. 96-98 pounds and is a little on the smaller side, she is not very tall. She does not destroy anything. The price is depending if the registrations get signed over or not. You need to own your own home as she would not do well in an apartment. We would want to do a few home visits at your home for her to get used to you before we would complete the transaction, therefore you would need to live less that 30 miles away from Cedar Park, Texas.Cedar Park78613
3 Year(s)Other BreedsFemaleFemale Black Brindle Cane Corso, house trained, kennel trained, obedience trained, AKC & ICC registered, Microchipped, on Heartworm preventative, UTD on all shots, born in September 2017. She will need to be the only dog and no children, she loves to swim and romp around with her people. Any questions please free to email. She will need room to roam but is a inside dog. She loves to play but also knows when to settle down if you let her know. She weighs approx. 96-98 pounds and is a little on the smaller side, she is not very tall. She does not destroy anything. The price is depending if the registrations get signed over or not. You need to own your own home as she would not do well in an apartment. We would want to do a few home visits at your home for her to get used to you before we would complete the transaction, therefore you would need to live less that 30 miles away from Cedar Park, Texas.Cedar Park78613
6 Week(s)DogsMale6 weeks, Registered selling without papers, Registered Excellent Bloodline, Working dogs, Wormed and 1st shots, 4 Females & 2 Males, Sire and Dam on premisesBelton29627
6 Week(s)Australian Cattle DogFemale6 weeks, Registered selling without papers, Registered Excellent Bloodline, Working dogs, Wormed and 1st shots, 4 Females & 2 Males, Sire and Dam on premisesBelton29627