Dogs3 female puppies and 4 male puppies born March 30, 2021. They are half Cavaliers, 1/4 jack Russell, and 1/4 Rat Terriers. The adult weight should be between 10 and 15 lbs. Family Pets and played with children from early on. For more information, or to view the puppies, please call 231 652-1365.FREMONT49412
DogsRegistered English Shepherd pups are ready for their furever homes. An excellent working dog. Does very well with livestock, but also makes a great family pet. These dogs are very smart. Puppies were born on April 13, 2021. These pups were vet checked and dewormed and first shots. Should mature at 35 lbs and be ready for their new homes on June 5, 2021. We have 5 females and 4 males. Group pictures with 5 are the females; with 4 are the males. Each pup has a different colored collar for easy identification. Sale pending on puppy with red collar. $1200 a piece for your new furbaby. To visit the puppies or for more information, please call 231 924 4696. Price drop to $1050.Fremont49412